Please note we have rebranded our property sourcing business as kevene.com . If you want to sell your property or land please visit us there.
If you are a developer please contact us for updated links.
Our mission is to buy and develop property to help combat the ongoing housing crisis.
We do this by helping people sell their property either directly to us, or off market to another investor that we are partnering with.
Did you know that approximately one third of sales through an estate agent fall through? This can occur for many reasons. A lot of "buyers" registered with esatate agents are not really serious, or they are trying to manipulate the vendor to drop their price by pulling out at the last minute. Sometimes they have to sell their property first which compounds the uncertainty and delay.
We strive to avoid all these pitfalls, by helping the vendor sell:
- as quickly as possible,
- for as much money as possible. For the right property we can sometimes pay above market value
- with no fees
- with flexible terms to suit them
We work closely with many investors including a property PLC which has recently sold another investment, and has £3m in its bank ready to invest.
If you want to explore a possible sale of your property, then please call us, and a property expert will listen to what you are trying to achieve, and then try and help you achieve it in the best way.

Please note that we are a division of Tanit Services Ltd.