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3 of my favourite business books that led me to personal branding

3 of my favourite business books that led me to the importance of personal branding

These are:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G. Allen
Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

Reading these made me realise that the path to wealth is not by selling my time and my life to a job that I hated, but rather it was to buy and control assets.

These assets could include property, a business or my personal brand.

All of these are good paths. But probably the personal brand is the easiest one to build, especially now with the rise of social media and the scalability of the internet.

Firstly build these assets, and then find a way of monetising them most effectively.

I actually read "Multiple Streams of Income" when it first came out in 2000. I remember having my mind blown by this book, as it opened my eyes to how I could escape my stressful job as an accountant which I hated. I had been looking for ways to leave this job for many years, and this book gave me some ideas for a blueprint.

We only have x amount of time, so the key to acquiring these multiple streams of income is not to work harder and harder with more jobs and side gigs, it was actually to acquire assets of some kind.

He talked about various ways of acquiring assets such as the stock market, property, network marketing and info products. The idea was not to expose yourself to too much risks by having all your eggs in one basket, as any of these could go down. So much safer to spread your assets around, and then protect them with a limited company.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" talks a lot about the value of having an asset rather than just selling your time for money. There is a lot of truth in this. Just look around at people you know who are rich, and people you know who are poor. The poorer people lack assets so are forced to sell their time for whatever market rate they can get, which is often very low.

Richer people have assets of some kind, and derive some kind of income from them. Maybe dividends, rent etc, or if they have a personal brand they can easily monetise this with info products, or selling their endorsements etc.

To acquire these assets it can often make a lot of sense to use other people's money in whatever form you can get it. eg loans, mortgages or equity share.

Those books were great, and gave me a vision, but they did not give a clear path to achieve that. Property was probably the most obvious path, and I followed that with a lot of success.

It was not until 2017 many years later that "Expert Secrets" had come out. A lot had changed in the 17 years since the other two books came out.

Social media had really taken off. The traffic on the Internet had become vast, and we were surrounded by many people who had built vast wealth on the Internet. Also demographic targeting by Facebook ads had become very sophisticated, and it was very easy to create beautiful web sites and social media profiles with zero technical skill.

The sub heading of Expert Secret's book is "The Underground Playbook to find your message, build a tribe and change the world". It is really a fantastic book, and it gives a step by step path how we can do these things relatively easily. Or at least much more easily than amassing a massive property empire, or vast stocks and shares portfolio starting from nothing.

The idea advanced in the book is that it all starts with finding our voice. I know a lot of people find that hard, but really it is just practice. It is just a case of doing it. Of making videos, audios, writing blog posts, and expressing yourself. Just make yourself more visible.

Then you need to develop some sort of framework. A path from A to B. Just break it down into steps, and start teaching it. 

Some people will like you and others will not. This is much better than being really bland and boring and trying to please everyone which never works, as people will just ignore you.

Then the people who like you will join your tribe. You just need to scale all this up with traffic, and learn how to monitise this in a win-win way. Give away a lot of stuff for free, then start charging for info products, and have different levels of access to you and your time.

This is how people make a lot of wealth on the internet. And it is the path that I am following and teaching.

A new edition of "Expert Secrets" has just come out this year. It is updated and massively expanded from 268 pages to 355 pages. You can get it free plus shipping plus bonuses at .

Personal Branding

Why business coaching can cause such powerful results

Goal setting

Goal setting is extremely important, and can really help us become more successful.

A real life example of this working is the 4 minute mile.

On May 6th 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes fifty nine and four tenths of a second. This was the first time in history that anyone had ever been recorded as doing a 4 minute mile. So people generally believed that it was not possible to do.

But once he achieved this people realised that it was possible, and many other people also achieved this.

Just 46 days later, John Landy recorded a time of 3 minutes and 58 seconds. Not only that, in the following year three runners broke the four minute mile barrier in a single race.

Since then more than a thousand more runners have achieved this.

This just demonstrates how the power of our beliefs and mindset can either prevent our success or alternatively make the impossible possible.

What about challenges?

Even if we have set our goals, we will come up against challenges.

For example:

  1. We may be scared of what people may think of us if we fail. We may be scared of the feelings of rejection when someone says no.
  2. We may believe that although success may be possible for other people, it is not possible for us. There is something wrong with us that stops us succeeding.
  3. Maybe we tried something before and we failed. We then believe that we could never succeed, and gave up trying again

Each of these challenges can close down our mind and stop us from even attempting to succeed. So we stop ourselves before we even start.

Of course, there are objective facts that need to be taken into account. But what I am talking about here are subconscious limiting beliefs that run our lives.

These are exactly the sort of thing that a coach can help us become more conscious of. When we are conscious of these beliefs, then we can choose whether to listen to them or not.

For example, in the first example. If we are scared of the emotions we feel when failing or rejecting, we can ask ourselves if these feelings are really so bad it is better to forget our dreams, forget about living to our fullest potential and to carry on with our mediocre, and unsatisfying existence. The answer is obviously not. Feelings come and go. Growth only comes with stepping outside our comfort zone.

In the second example, we believe that success is possible for others but not ourselves. If we think about this rationally we can see how absurd this is. So many people have been incredibly successful when on paper, we have much more going for us than them. The difference is that they took action, while we gave up before we started.

In the last example, we may contemplate that we tried one particular method at a certain time. We learned a lot from the experience. Now if we try things again but from a different angle we could succeed. Maybe get different people to help us, or try a different approach. Because of the scalability of the internet, one small change can be the difference between massive failure and massive success.

So we have 2 options

Option a: Carry on the same and get the same results we have always got

Option b Get an effective coach who will support us to expand our mindset, beliefs and confidence and achieve far more

How is this achieved?

It is achieved through a series of conversations and email exchanges.

The idea is that the following things will happen:-You will feel totally supported and realise that some things are possible that you had not considered before.

You can bounce ideas off him and see them from new angles. Two minds are much better than one.

In short you build a new reality with him in which you can achieve more or less anything. The more you talk with him you will see how your limiting beliefs have been holding you back, and you will develop unstoppable confidence.

How is it delivered?

It is delivered in many forms:

  • weekly calls
  • email support
  • action points
  • goal setting
  • accountability partner
  • access to a dashboard in my coaching software

I am also a consultant

As well as being a business coach, I have an extensive background in business. I was a Deloitte trained chartered accountant, and reached senior positions in industry. Also I have worked as an entrepreneur for about 20 years, and have developed a massive amount of skills.

So if you are a coaching client, if required, I can always go into consultant mode, and give you advice based on my business/financial/internet/entrepreneurial skillset.

Do this thought experiment

Imagine that you hire me. Really feel it vividly. Imagine how we will work together and what you will achieve in the next 3 months. Then fast forward 3 months into the future and look back and see how much your business has grown.Close your eyes and really feel the truth of this. Then try and estimate how much it would be worth to you for this to happen.

End of exercise. You can come back to reality now. But the purpose of this is to show the value of having a goal based vision strongly in your mind. A vision that becomes more vivid by discussing it with your coach.

The next step

If you are interested in exploring this, please contact me to discuss.

Most People Will Ignore This Advice

So the first majority of people will probably ignore this advice and that's absolutely fine. 

But I really believe that if you change your attitude from one of where you're trying to sell to people, manipulate people, sort of try and get them to give you money, that's your prime motivator, instead of doing that, if you act from a space of contribution, where you're really wanting to help people, to serve people, and, you know, maybe it's a byproduct of that, then they give you money. Which is great because you're adding value. So if you just shift the emphasis in your mind that will have a really dramatic affect, it will have a really dramatic affect because people know, they can sense, they can sense what your primary motivation is. 

And people hate being sold to, I hate being sold to, I mean, if you ever had a sales call, I'm sure you have, people phone you up and say, oh, do you want to do this, this, this? No, I'm not interested. Or people come to my door, or I really don't want people to sell me stuff, it's just not interesting to me. But if I really feel that this person really wants the best for me, really wants to help me, it's a whole different experience. And if I find someone like that, you know, I just feel that I can really trust them and then I'm much more likely to enter into some, you know, to buy their stuff, for example or to listen to their message. 

So, act coming from a space of contribution, it's not some sort of new agey thing, it might be new agey as well but it's actually a sound sort of business principle. And it can really, I think it can really help you grow your business and grow your brand. I mean, and to have the public face of the brand as someone who can relate to like that, I'm thinking of someone like Steve Jobs people liked him, he had some sort of personality and, you know, people didn't feel that all he wanted to do was make as much money as possible. They felt he was also was trying to sort of build value in some way. And that's one of the reasons they could connect with him. And also that he wanted to sort of makes the lives of people with his Apple products better in some way. 

So, it's based on sound business principles and I think if you think like that, then, then it will help your business make more money, which is great and it'll also help you, of course, give a lot more value to other people 'cause your business will be bigger, will be helping more people and so on. But in addition to that, I just think it's a much more satisfying way to live your life where you're helping people, you're serving people, compared to just trying to sort of, you know, manipulate people and get bit of money there, get a bit of money there, don't really care if your products have value or not and don't really care if they're real benefit. 

So, I would really urge you, as much as possible to try and come from a space of contribution. You may use other words, you may think of it in terms of service people or but I think it's a really great attitude to have when you think of your prospect, when you think of who you're talking to in your, the videos you're making, the content you're producing, you're advertising, and so on.

So, that's all for now, bye. 

What makes me angry

Hi there, so I just wanted to talk about something that just makes me really angry. And that's why some people really give up on their dreams and they live this sort of mediocre life, they live a life where they're not happy. 

And they have a job that they hate and they just spend, I don't know, 47 or 48 weeks of the year going to this job, getting in the, driving to work, getting in a train, dreading Monday morning, have this sort of really sick feeling in their stomach every Monday morning when they've got the whole other week, they've got a whole week of work ahead of them. And they've got bosses, even nice bosses can be, you know, who push work onto them, who stress them out. And then they get to work and they've got piles of work in front of them. And it's just a depressing life. 

And people just give up, they just resign themselves to this. It's just, you know they might have all these dreams inside of wouldn't it be nice to do this or this, sort of fantasies but instead they just give up. They just think, oh, these amazing dreams, they're for other people, other people can achieve that but not me. I'm not good enough or I haven't, you know, got the money to get things started, or I don't have the skill, or the knowledge, or I'm too scared to get it started, or whatever it is. 

So, I think that you should never give up on your dreams. 

You know I used to be like that and sort of in a horrible job where it was, and then I remember just going to work on the Tube in London to work. And just looking at people's faces, it's like people were dead, they were dead inside. It's like they're trying to numb themselves to sort of pain, in that situation, that was in the morning when they were going to work. And then in the afternoon it was even worse because they were just so exhausted. I know I used to fall asleep on the Tube on the way back, I always used to wake up at my stop, only missed it once, once or twice I think. 

But it's not any way to live your life, I mean it's okay to do it for a short period of time but people do that for years, some people for their whole working like they just hate their job and they just, it's like something in them, something in them that's dying. So, life does not have to be like that, you don't have to give up on your dreams. 

I'm not saying that everyone can go out an be a millionaire or sort of something like that but there's other possibilities, there's other ways of, other ways of living their life. Maybe you can downsize, maybe you can just live a bit more cheaply and then you can sort of go and work part-time for example. Or maybe get a lower paying job which is less stressful but it's more something you want to do. 

I mean, or maybe you can find some sort of part-time internet business or something that can help give a bit more money which means you can reduce your hours. Or maybe what I used to do, I used to do temp jobs. I used to work for, 'cause I used to be an accountant, and there's actually quite a big market for temp jobs for accountants 'cause people might only need you for year-end or if something's in a mess and needs sorting out. 

So I used to work for six months, then go travelling around India or South East Asia or something like that. That was when I was in my 20s and that worked really well, actually 'cause I didn't mind knuckling down for something I didn't like if it was for a short period of time. But I just didn't want to do it my whole life. 

So, please, don't give up on your dreams, find, if you love your job that's great but if you don't love it, just think of ways you can change your life and think of other ways you can make money, maybe by building assets of some kind instead of selling your time for labour or selling your time for money. Or maybe you can find, find some way of doing another job which is less stressful, something more enjoyable. I mean there's many different things you can do but please don't give up on your dreams and don't live a life you hate. 

That's all for now, bye. 

The Three Secrets That Consultants Coaches and Trainers Do Not Know

Hi there, so I wanted to talk about the three really important lessons that most coaches and trainers never realise, which is why they have a failing business and they can never get enough students or clients.

So the first lesson is to just produce a lot of video, a lot of videos like this, it doesn't have to be long, just maybe five minutes each about the sort of things that their potential clients, their prospects might be interested in.

And then obviously just post these all over the place to many social media platforms and try and especially base the videos around potential problems that the clients might have or give them solutions, or just talk about their own journey.

So, I never, personally, I never realised this myself, I never used to make videos or it would take me a long time, you know, I used to be really scared of speaking in public and so I went to Toastmasters to help me with that. And then when I started doing videos I was all about, I was thinking, oh, who do, I started to almost having to act in a certain way, how does that person expect me to be, they want me to be really professional so I'd like pretend to be really profession and stuff.

But now I've realised it's just too exhausting having to, you know, play a certain roll in society, it's much better to just be yourself and not have to pretend and just, and then it's just like talking to a friend and you can just churn out more and more of these videos very easily. So that's step one, just produce a lot of videos.

So step two is, obviously, there's no point having loads of videos on your Facebook page if no on ever sees them. So it will involve a bit of boosting, boosting posts. So every now and then, so maybe a few dollars a post or something just to get your video out there and obviously and you, with Facebook, you can use demographic targeting, so obviously choose, do your best to sort of find an audience that would resinate with your message.

Maybe there's some big name sort of celebrity who's sort of in a similar field, oh people who might be interested in him or her might be interested in what I have to say as well. So, on Facebook, and Instagram, and other places you can target people who are interested in these people. So step two is to boost your videos to get them to reach a wider audience.

So step three is to then re-target people who've, who consume your content, it is very easy on Facebook, you can say, oh, well you can do an ad, you can boost this post, you can create an audience for people who've consumed say 50% of your videos. So then you know that instead of, then when you boost your next video, you can re-target these people.

So you've, these people are, have already seen you at least once and they've already, they haven't turned you off straight away so there's something in what you're saying that's all you that sort of resinated with them.

So, if you start boosting to these people, you will have a much better success rate because they already like you, so ultimately it'll be a lot cheaper to get your message out there. So these are the three messages that I think most coaches and trainers are not doing which are:-

1) to make a load of videos, not just one every now and then, but many videos, you know, preferably at least one a day, they don't have to be longs ones.

2) just boost them, spend a few dollars on each one boosting them to people in your target demographic, and

3) then start boosting, creating audiences of people who like your videos and then boost or advertise to this particular audience to try and move them up your value ladder. So instead of just consuming your free content hopefully they will opt into a list, or buy some of your low priced items, or just start to engage with you in a sort of higher sort of level. So, there are my three tips, I hope you find that useful. That's all for now, bye.

How to give up a job that you hate

Many of us do not really enjoy our job. There may be parts of it that we quite like, but there is often a lot of stress and resistance.

In this video I try and show you an alternative pathway that you can follow to build a business as a coach, consultant or info product creator, and how to get clients and customers from the internet.

This is extremely achievable for many many people who are stuck in a job that they hate, and it would give them a lot more freedom, and potentially a lot more money too.

I am not saying that it is necessarily easy, or would happen overnight. Just that it is possible. Many people have done it, and it is important to follow certain steps that many people omit.


Hi there, so, I want to talk about how to give up a job that you hate and how to start some sort of internet based business where you're your own boss. And you could just, you know, set your own hours, plan your lifestyle how you like. And it's absolutely amazing if you can do this and I know for myself, I used to work in a job, it was actually quite a good job I was financial controller, for one company I was chief financial officer, so it was quite, you know, as things go, it was quite sort of senior and I had a bit of freedom.

But even so, I really didn't like Monday mornings, it was really horrible the idea of going to work and I really lived for Friday afternoon where I could just relax totally. So, and it was always my dream, somehow, if I could, I was dreaming of like retiring or something like that, if I could just save up enough money to pack in my job and then just do something a bit more relaxing. And now I work from home and it's just like totally different, it's my own business, sometimes I have clients, which is fine because clients are very different from a boss.

If you have a boss then he has total power over you because ultimately he could sack you or he could make your life at work much less pleasant and so on. So, whereas on the other hand you've got all these bills you have to pay every week and you don't want to be unemployed 'cause then you don't know how long until you get another job and all this stuff. So, you have to, there's all this pressure to fit in with what he wants, he or she wants and to please them. And so they put extra work on you, you have to sort of do it.

So, just every job tends, well, my experience, just to get very stressful, and to just get more and more work sort of piled on you. And also it could be from other departments and then you've also got to keep your, if you've got subordinates, you have to keep them happy as well because otherwise they can make your life very unpleasant. So there's all sorts of things that can go wrong with jobs, most jobs, I mean I'm sure jobs are really amazing and if you're happy in your job, that's great. But to go from that, sort of trapped, stressful lifestyle where you're just yearning for some Friday afternoon, Friday evening when you can have two days of just rest, to go from that to working at home is absolutely amazing.

Now it's totally different because it's not about, I don't feel like it's work, it's just I love my business, I love what I do, I love, it's very creative. I think of all the different ways to make money, different ways to get in touch with my message, different ways to reach people, to help people, and so on, and also marketing, and shooting videos like this. I do really love it and I can do what I like, I can, you know, often I get up at 6:00, start working then. I might carry on working till like 10:00, 10 o'clock at night but then I might have time off during the day to like go for a walk, have a nap, watch a bit of TV or whatever. So, it just really fits in with the flow of my lifestyle.

Now all this is possible if you have your own internet based business. So, this could mean having clients, which is fine 'cause especially if you have it so no one client can ruin your business if they cease to be a client anymore. So, if you have multiple clients and then you just choose the ones you like and if there's a difficult client, then you can sort of phase them out and get other clients who you enjoy working with. So, that's fine but also because of the power of the internet, if you could work one to many, this is, A it's cheaper for the people you're working with 'cause they're in some sort of a group programme that don't pays as much money but also it's much more lucrative for you 'cause you get many people paying you money at once, just some sort of group coaching, group training scenario is like the next step up I think from having clients.

And the ultimate step is having info products where you create some form of info product and sell it and once you've done it, once you've create it, you could just sell it again, and again, and again. And then if you create several info products then you have what's called a value ladder, and so you have a cheap one that you sell and then like a more expensive one. And as people consume your content, they climb up your value ladder and as you give them value, they just purchase more and more of your products. And then sometimes you work with other people and, you know, they're an affiliate for you, you're an affiliate for them so you have other products you can bring into this value ladder.

So that is like the, the dream, the ultimate dream of achieving that. And then, but step by step, hope you can see that, following this process life becomes less and less stressful because you're less dependent on other people and you're developing your assets. So your assets, which is what Robert Kiyosaki was talking about in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" where it's not, so instead of selling your time for money, you're creating assets and your assets would be your intellectual property, your any courses you've created, would be your audiences, the people who are interested in you, who you've pixeled and you've got your email list.

And also, just your own personal brand, just people who know you, and like you, and are willing, are open to do business in some way with you. So those sort of assets you can, you can generally, you can build up using this sort of method. So, don't give up on your dream, having some sort of internet business is really amazing and I'm so much happier now than when I used to work in an office, in a stressful office environment.

So, and hopefully you too can achieve, you know, a similar dream. It might be different from mine but I think, you know, the idea is generally to build up your assets, and use the internet, and just get more and more freedom, and have more choice about how you live your life. That's all for now, hope to see you soon, bye.

Why Advertising Does Not Work

So in this video I am talking about possibly the biggest reason why advertising is not working for you. Maybe you are advertising to a cold audience.

Instead you should lead with value and give a cold audience useful content.

Then later on you can retarget people who watch your videos with an advert. Then your cost of acquisition will be a lot cheaper.

#marketing #advertising #retargeting #contentmarketingstrategy

So what I want to talk to you today is why people are spending money on advertising and they're spending more on advertising than the revenue they're making from selling their product or service. In other words, advertising doesn't work for them. Why is that? So it could be many reasons, you know, maybe the quality of the ad is wrong, maybe the audience is wrong.

But I think probably the biggest reason is 'cause they're selling their, they're doing the ads to a cold audience, they're doing the ads to people who don't know who they are. Now, when I look at Facebook, in my news feed, you know, see all the sort of cute puppies or whatever or fruity little memes from my hands, or other stuff that's of interest, suddenly I'll see this ad for, a sponsored ad. And then there's this really annoying internet marketer or something trying to sell me his product.

I think ugh, I don't want to listen to that and I just go onto the next one. And or some or someone will start watching it, oh this is boring, who is this guy? So, these are cold, they're selling their ad, they're doing their as to a cold audience, I don't know who they are, I've got information overload, I've got a million things I can be doing rather than watch, spend and invest more of my time watching yet another theory by some so-called internet guru.

So, this is why you should be serving your ads only to a warm audience, to people who've consumed your content, who like what you have to say. So this is why I'm following this sort of two-step strategy, my first strategy is just to shoot videos like this one, I'm not selling anything, I'm just talking about stuff.

So I'm just, I'm providing content and some people like this, some people don't but Facebook knows who likes this, Facebook knows how watches X percent of my videos. So then, at some point in the future, I could do an ad for it, and I could just target people who've watched 70% of my videos, called retargeting and it's to do with putting a Facebook pixel on your page, on our advert and then that gets loaded as cookie onto the person's computer.

And it's really not that hard to do and a lot of people aren't doing it and they should be. So, step one, just do pure content, provide value to people. And then step two, people who've consumed your content, then you can possibly give them a different message 'cause they already know who you are and they may be more open to doing things like signing up to your email list, or buying a low value item from you, and getting a lot more, much better content.

So, and then there's various levels, you know, that's just the first two, there's various levels up and above that as they sort of climb up your value ladder and you'll be able to give them more and more, and better and better content. And maybe group coaching or one-to-one time, or whatever it is that you offer. So that's why most people fail, they try and sell ads, they try and advertise to a cold audience. Hope this helps, see you soon, bye.

How Peng Joon Opened My Eyes

In this post I talk about Peng Joon's content strategy. How he produces a lot of videos, and syndicates them to many platforms, and then retargets people who watch 50% or more of his videos.It is a a brilliant strategy, and I have started to follow it a couple of weeks ago.

In fact this very video is an example of me doing it.An advanced tip of his is to target the audiences of people operating in the same space as you. And I am doing this too. People searching for Peng Joon might come across this video, and some might start following my content as well.

Hi there, so today I want to talk about Peng Joon, about how coming across some of his YouTube videos and some of his products that I've bought how that's really helped me change way that I produce content, that how I interact with people on social media and how I build my audience. So it's really opened my eyes how I can go from just, you know, making a post and not many people looking at it, no one really engaging with it. To just doing this on mass, to just reaching loads of people, such a simple strategy. And actually, I've seen this strategy in other places but what's really great about Peng is the way he articulates it, he breaks it down, he makes it really simple.

It's this step, he explains this step very simply, and then he explains this step, and then this step. So, it sort of, it somehow sort of goes in and it sort of, I, 'cause I hear other people talk, I listen to audio books or something and they say the same thing, blah, blah, blah it's all in this mass of other detail. That it just sort of washes in, sort of in one ear and out the other. But his, so his presentation style is really good the way he breaks it down.

But also the strategy works, it must work, he was the number one affiliate for when Russel Brunson produced his book, "Expert Secrets" and Peng Joon beat people like Tony Robbins and other people with massive audiences. And Peng Joon explains the way he did this. And now I hadn't really, I hadn't heard of him before and I just sort of thought, his little name, I saw on Peng Joon, yeah, okay, another of the million of people teaching internet marketing. But I was actually, sometimes I watch YouTube when I eat my breakfast or something like that, watch it on my TV, and for some reason, I don't know why YouTube decided to deliver me a video of Peng Joon. It was the one he gave at the Funnel Hacking Live, last year I think it was.

And he talked about how he produced one video and from that he posted it to Facebook, Instagram, he got it transcribed so it went onto his blog, and also YouTube of course. And also, not only that, also in the same video he split into he might take 15 second chunks or it might take minute chunks for Instagram and he might also repurpose the content. So sometimes he might put the transcript on, he might add images. So it was a whole system, and he might do quote cards of himself and how he, what he did, he spends three days producing, I think, 120 videos, so it's enough for the next three months. So, it's an incredible, and also, all he needs to do is create the videos and he can hire other people to chop it up, edit it, and post it in different places.

Now I sort of seen this strategy in other places but the way he systematised it, and the way he explained it, and I realised it was actually, it was actually doable. 'Cause I'm fairly comfortable talking in front of the camera anyway, so I know I can produce videos and I've hired outsources before to do work for me, so I know I can set up a system to get everything produced. And then, it just sort of made sense 'cause if you're producing this volume of content on social media, then, obviously, there'd be a lot of misses but then some of them will succeed. There'd be a top 5% or top 10% which get a lot of engagement, likes, and shares. And that feedback is vital 'cause it's your, it's the universe telling you what they want more of.

So, it's not only, of course, information, it's all my beliefs, my mindset, my life experiences, everything I have to bring to the table, which is what makes me unique, and what makes you unique, what makes every single person on the planet unique. This is what we can all bring to the table, so we all have our own view of things and that, combined with the information which we're able to share is our personal brand. And that is why I find this whole information business so exciting 'cause it's about building a personal brand. 'Cause I used to, in the past, used to, for example, I had an Amazon business where I sold products on Amazon but there was always, I couldn't really build a brand 'cause I was just selling like a thing and then there'd be someone else selling a very similar thing, we just compete on price. And so it really eroded the profit margin to not very much but no one is me, no one is you.

So this is what the beauty of having a personal brand is. And using Pen Joon's strategies to mass produce content, the content multiplier formula, I think he calls it, is a brilliant strategy and it's opened my eyes. And he's turned this system is so simple, step-by-step, I know I can just do one step at a time and then maybe both hiring people and so on, and the system, I know it is achievable. So this is the start of my, this is one of the first few videos I'm doing actually using this system.

So if you look, if you're looking a this in a few months time, hopefully you'll see a lot more content from me and you'll know what I was like when I was just starting out on this process. And I hope that you can do this too, I hope that you can just really get yourself out there, start making videos, starting posting it to social media, and just building your brand, getting the universe aware of you and so on. And then from that, you can find a way of hopefully monetizing it and help people and creating value and so on. So, that's all for now, see you soon.

How Rich Dad Poor Dad Changed My Life

So I want to talk about the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and I really, actually it changed my life. 'Cause it just, it presented this whole new way of looking at money. 'Cause I always used to think that the only way to earn money was to slave away in a job that I hated, and, you know, hopefully get promoted a bit and then a bit more money and just save it, and invest it in a pension. And then maybe one day when I was 65 or something I'd be able to retire, and then finally start to enjoy my live just as I was getting old.

But this book just really opened my eyes 'cause I just looked around me and I saw people, really rich people, the people who are crushing it, they were just, they didn't do it by careers or jobs, they did it by owning assets. And I remember at that time, I had quite a good job, really, I was an accountant, I was financial controller and I was managed to save, I think about $600 pounds a month, this was about 20 years ago.

But I was thinking, oh well, okay well, if I save $600 pounds a month then in 12 months and I save $7200, and then in 10 years I save $70,000. And then, thinking over 20, 30, you know, I was planning for when I retire, how much I'd have. It wasn't really a great deal, it wasn't really enough to retire on. But in my mind I was thinking, oh then at last, at last I'll be able to pack in my job and do something I enjoy and just rest and relax and so on. So, that's the old way of looking at it but Robert Kiyosaki, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" it just really opened my eyes, it was really, it's not about selling your time for money it's about owning assets, creating assets, creating wealth.

And this is, and this is just a whole different way of looking at it. And, you know, there's an easy way of doing things and a really hard way of doing things. And most people are doing the really hard way which is being in a job they hate and being trapped into, trapped into to and not be able to, you know retire 'cause of mortgage payments, and stuff like that. So, it helped me think about creating assets, building wealth. I invested in real estate back in the day and that was really successful and that really helped me transition then away from the corporate world, from a job I hated, into another world, the world of the internet.

And creating value, not only in terms of email lists and audience, my knowledge, my ability to speak and express myself. And creating these sort of internet assets which are a bit intangible but they are the gateway to wealth on the internet. So, I would definitely encourage you to look at your job, like is it really satisfying you, if it isn't really satisfying you, then maybe there's a way you can, like me, maybe you can find some way of developing by either buying an asset or creating value, creating value on the internet. So your buying that you're creating an asset. And these things are possible with today's platforms and explosion of social media. So that's all for now, see you soon, bye.

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